Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Glorious snow

In my time in Anchorage before Christmas break there was only 6 inches of snow. This left me a bit skeptical about all the hype about the great Alaskan winter. However, when I left the Lord poured forth His blessing in the form of record snowfall, and this is a little taste of what I came home to.

This is Scott, my teammate's car after Wes dug it out. If you look closely you can see the handrails just over the hood of the car are about an inch above the snow. All told there was about three feet of snow on the ground. Off of the highway I saw a fifty foot high snow pile that had been dumped from other parts of the city. Its really cool.

Wes took this picture after the snow fell. It is just really cool. Ansel Adams wishes he could have taken this shot.

This is Wes in waist deep powder. Unfortunately Wes doesn't ski so he doesn't know how to properly use powder such as this. Luckily, I brought my skis back and won't let it go to waste.


At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Don't get lost in all that snow! It looks like you could use a pair of snowshoes rather than skiis.

It was great to see you over the Christmas holiday. Keep up the good work and God speed.

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Laura said...

I love the pictures! Specially the one of Wes.

Wow! I'm jelous! We got a few inches of snow in Portland this week which was pretty cool, but nothing like what you've got up there.

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Matt Mikalatos said...

Hey buddy, time for an update. It's so silent up there in the snow.

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Laura said...

Echoing Mikalatos. Its time for an update please. I miss you guys and want to know whats going on up there.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great pictures and details of is happening in your ministry! We think about you often. Hope you hae had an opportunity to do some skiing! Apparently it has been quite a winter in some parts of Alaska. We continue to keep you and your team in our prayers... Tom and Rhonda


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