Friday, October 20, 2006

Juneau = Beautiful

After our trip to Fairbanks was over we had about 36 hours to prepare for a flight to Juneau. I was pumped to see Southeast Alaska. I had heard of the amazing forested islands and was looking forward to something like western Washington. The only difference was in Juneau, they have a glacier that comes all the way down to sea level and can be seen almost from the airport. It was pretty cool to see as we drove around, but then after we finished our work we were able to take a kayak tour of the glacier which produced these amazing pictures.

This waterfall was covered by Mendenhall glacier about 7 years ago. It is now about 100 ft away from the ice. The glacier recedes 24 ft per year.

Mendenhall glacier is 12 miles long and 200 ft deep where it hits the lake. It has boulders the size of cars caught up in the ice.

Chris in his kayak loving life.

Laura and Debbie. Debbie was our guide, and is the cousin of the head of Campus Crusade. I guess it pays to know people.

Debbie said if we touched the icebergs we'd probably sink our boats. I didn't test it.

This is a hole in the glacier that goes down into an ice cave which we explored for a while.

Basically, if I could live in an ice cave I would. This cave was about 150 ft long. I"m standing across a stream if its hard to see. The ice was crystal clear above us.


At 11:52 AM, Blogger Taylor said...

Hey. I found your blog through Al's blog. Those pictures are beautiful! Although, I think I might be a little nervous to climb down through a hole into an ice cave... but it looks like it would have been worth it.


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